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Саопштења за јавност

13. јануара 2023. године

Економске могућности и заштита репродуктивног здравља, ЛГБТК+ и права имиграната/избеглица међу главним приоритетима за новог представника Хоан Хуинха

СПРИНГФИЕЛД, Илл. – Државни представник Хоан Хуинх, Д-Цхицаго, почео је свој први мандат у кући Иллиноис Хоусе оф Представници у среду са посвећеношћу да се боре за економске прилике, еколошку правду и потребе оних који су највише заостали, посебно наших старијих и обојених заједница са ниским примањима, поред посвећености заштити репродуктивног здравља, ЛГБТК+ и имиграната/избеглица права.

„Данас сам поносан што стојим у кући Иллиноис Хоусе Цхамберс као избеглица из Вијетнамског рата и син

избеглице које никада нису одустајале од наде, чувале веру и жртвовале све само да бисмо живели у земљи

који су ценили демократију, слободу и људска права. Моја заједница у Америци ме је подигла и неговала,

а моји родитељи су ме научили вредности напорног рада, друштвеног рада и бриге о комшијама.

У Спрингфилду узимам сваку лекцију коју су ми родитељи усадили и доносићу законе са непоколебљивим

посвећеност борби за оне који су заостали у нашој држави.”

Полажући заклетву по први пут, Хуин је постао први Вијетнамски Американац и избеглица

икада изабран у историји државе Илиноис, први азијски Американац који је представљао Чикаго Нортхсиде и

на обали језера у Генералној скупштини, и прва особа у боји која представља 13. округ Стејт Хоусе.

Хуинх доноси разна професионална искуства у канцеларију, укључујући искуство у друштвеном утицају

инвестиције, предузетништво и технолошке иновације и истраживање јавних политика. Хуинхови приоритети

такође укључују јавну безбедност и превенцију насиља од оружја, приступачно становање и смањење бескућништва,

транзитна инфраструктура и проширење приступа менталном здрављу. Хуинх ће се такође борити за политику која

ангажује интересе малих предузећа и поштује радничку класу и залаже се за оне из

имигрантског и избегличког порекла. Хуинх ће увек дати свој глас да подржи право жене на

бирају и приступају репродуктивној здравственој заштити.

„Узбуђен сам што ћу бити још један глас који размишља напред у Спрингфилду и што се залажем за нашу северну страну Чикага

заједнице“, рекао је Хуинх. „Неуморно ћу свакодневно радити са законодавцима, стручњацима и суседима из

различите позадине за решавање сложених изазова са којима се Иллиноисанци суочавају свуда.“

Хуинх представља округ 13. куће, који се у потпуности састоји од северне стране Чикага и обале језера

заједнице, укључујући насеља Уптовн, Андерсонвилле, Вриглеивилле, Равенсвоод, Линколн

Скуаре, Лаке Виев, Бовманвилле, Буена Парк, Схеридан Парк, Соутхпорт, Арцадиа Терраце и Будлонг



March 22, 2023

Kifowit and Huynh to Honor Vietnam Veterans

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. –  State Representatives Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, and Hoan Huynh, D-Chicago, are inviting Vietnam War Veterans to come and be recognized in the gallery of the Illinois House of Representatives on Wednesday, March 29th by House Resolution 104.  House Resolution 104 officially designates March 29, 2023 as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day in the State of Illinois.

“We need to always strive to give the proper recognition to our Vietnam Veterans to make up for the disrespectful way they were treated upon their return home after serving bravely and faithfully for our Country” stated Kifowit, the only female Veteran in the General Assembly. “I am honored to be able to call many Vietnam Veterans my friends”.

This year, Representative Kifowit is joined by Representative Hoan Huynh in Welcoming Home our Vietnam Veterans by the Illinois House of Representatives.  Representative Huynh, the first Illinois House Representative of Vietnamese ancestry and from a Vietnam War refugee background, is also encouraging members of the Vietnamese community who served with American Servicemembers in the South Vietnamese Military to also come and be recognized in the Illinois House gallery.

“I am proud to be the son of a South Vietnamese military officer, who served bravely alongside our American Veterans in the Vietnam War and I welcome members of the Army Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) to come and be recognized alongside the American Veterans they served with. Almost a million members of the South Vietnamese Military served proudly beside the United States Military during the 20-year war in Vietnam,” stated Huynh.  “After the fall of Saigon, hundreds of thousands of Army Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) soldiers were sent to concentration camps and perished by the new totalitarian government.  Few of the brave soldiers who served received political asylum to the United States and settled in Illinois to have an opportunity for a better life without persecution”.  

In 1965, United States Armed Forces ground combat units arrived in Vietnam, and by the end of that year, there were 80,000 United States troops in Vietnam with a peak of approximately 500,000 troops in 1969.  More than 58,000 members of the United States Armed Forces lost their lives in Vietnam, and more than 300,000 members were wounded.  The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 by the United States Congress officially recognizes March 29th as the day when the last combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam in 1973.

This year, March 29, 2023 marks the 50th Anniversary of this withdrawal and throughout these 50 years, Veterans of the Vietnam War faithfully have served and contributed to their communities since returning home.  House Resolution 104 will be voted on during the regular session of the Illinois House on March 29, 2023 and the expected start of session is 12:00 (noon) but attendees are to arrive early to allow for security entrance.



January 13, 2023

Economic Opportunity and Protecting Reproductive Healthcare, LGBTQ+, and Immigrant/Refugee Rights Among Top Priorities for New Rep. Hoan Huynh

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Hoan Huynh, D-Chicago, began his first term in the Illinois House of Representatives Wednesday with a dedication to fight for economic opportunity, environmental justice, and the needs of those most left behind, particularly our seniors and low-income communities of color, in addition to a commitment to protect reproductive healthcare, LGBTQ+, and immigrant/refugee rights.

“Today, I am proud to stand in the Illinois House Chambers as a Vietnam War refugee, and the son of

refugees who never gave up hope, kept the faith, and sacrificed everything just so we can live in a country

that valued democracy, freedom, and human rights. My community in America raised and nurtured me,

and my parents taught me the value of hard work, community service, and looking after your neighbors.

In Springfield, I take every lesson that my parents instilled in me and will legislate with an unwavering

commitment to fight for those who have been left behind in our state.”

Taking the oath of office for the first time, Huynh become the first Vietnamese American and refugee

ever elected in Illinois’ state history, the first Asian American to represent Chicago Northside and

lakefront in the General Assembly, and the first person of color to represent the 13th State House District.

Huynh brings a variety of professional experiences to office including a background in social impact

investments, entrepreneurship and technology innovation, and public policy research. Huynh’s priorities

also include public safety and gun violence prevention, affordable housing and decreasing homelessness,

transit infrastructure, and expanding mental healthcare access. Huynh will also fight for policy that

engages the interests of small businesses and respects the working class, and advocate for those from

immigrant and refugee backgrounds. Huynh will always lend his voice to support a woman’s right to

choose and access reproductive healthcare.

“I am excited to be another forward-thinking voice in Springfield, and advocate for our Chicago northside

communities”, said Huynh. “I will work tirelessly everyday with legislators, experts, and neighbors from

different backgrounds to address the complex challenges facing Illinoisans everywhere.”

Huynh represents the 13th House District, which is entirely made up of Chicago’s northside and lakefront

communities, including neighborhoods of Uptown, Andersonville, Wrigleyville, Ravenswood, Lincoln

Square, Lake View, Bowmanville, Buena Park, Sheridan Park, Southport, Arcadia Terrace, and Budlong



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